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杨育军, 男,1971年4月出生。河南省孟州市人,副教授。1999年和2009年分别在郑州大学和武汉大学获得分析化学专业硕士和博士学位 。

长期从事电化学、材料化学、表面化学、电分析化学的教学科研工作,并担任多个国际期刊的编委和编辑工作。近二十年来,先后承担了“无机与分析化学”, “分析化学”、“有机化学”、“仪器分析”、“仪器分析及实验”、“普通化学(双语)”、“药物分析”、“药物分析实验”、“分析化学实验”、“化学专业英语”、“化工产品分析”、“分析化学导论”等课程的教学工作。主要研究方向为材料化学、电化学及电分析化学,特别是在电化学合成功能材料方面进行了大量的研究工作,并将多种功能材料成功应用于肾上腺素、多巴胺、葡萄糖等生物分子的电化学检测,具有丰富的实践经验和扎实的理论基础。采用循环伏安、电泳沉积、原电池、超声电化学等新颖的电化学合成方法,在室温常压的温和条件下成功制备了多种功能材料,技术简便易行,可控性好,产品成本低,成果发表在 Biosensors & Bioelectronics,Electrochemical Communications, Electrochimica ACTA, Sensors and Actuators等著名国际杂志上。同时在纳米材料的可控化学制备、形貌与结构控制和物性探索方面也取得多项创新性成果,作为第一作者和通讯作者,近年来发表SCI检索论文53篇,其中SCI一区论文13篇,二区论文18篇。


1)             Yu Jun Yang*, Soo Beng Khoo, “Electrochemical study of monolayers of heterocyclic thiols self-assembled on polycrystalline gold electrode: the effect of solution pH on redox kinetics”, Electrochemistry Communications, 6 (2004) 87-90

2)             Yu Jun Yang*, Soo Beng Khoo, “Fabrication of self-assembled monolayer of 8-mercaptoquinoline on polycrystalline gold electrode and its selective catalysis for the reduction of metal ions and the oxidation of biomolecules”, Sensors and Actuators B, 97(2004) 221-230

3)             Lun Ying He, Bao Jian Xiang, Yu Jun Yang*, “Electrochemical Characterization of the Self-Assembled Monolayer of 8-Mercaptoquinoline on Polycrystalline Gold Electrode”, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 40 (2004) 975-981

4)             Yu Jun Yang*, Lun Ying He, Qin Fa Zhang, “A cyclic voltammetric synthesis of PbS nanoparticles”, Electrochemistry Communications, 7 (2005) 361-364

5)             Yu Jun Yang*, Lun Ying He, “A novel galvanic cell and its application in the preparation of lead sulfide nanomaterials”, Electrochimica ACTA , 50 (2005) 3581-3584

6)             Yu Jun Yang*, “A novel electroless deposition of Cu3Se2 film on silicon substrate by a simple galvanic displacement process”, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 41(2005) 1391-1394

7)     Yu Jun Yang*, Lun Ying He, "Template-free synthesis of CuS nanorods with a simple aqueous reaction at ambient conditions", Applied Physics A, 81(2005), 1351-1353

8)             Yu Jun Yang*, Wet synthesis of nearly monodisperse CdSe nanoparticles at room temperature” Journal Crystal Growth , 284(2005) 453-458

9)             Yu Jun Yang*, Lun Ying He, “Dissolution of lead electrode and preparation of rod-shaped PbS crystals in a novel galvanic cell, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 10 (2006) 430-433

10)         Yu Jun Yang*, Bao Jian Xiang, “ A simple synthesis of SnS nanoflakesat ambient conditions Applied Physics A, 83 (2006) 461–463

11)         Yu Jun Yang*, “The thioglycerol catalyzed reaction of metal salts and elemental sulfur: A new approach for the preparation of nanocrystalline metal sulfides Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 276(2006) 192–196

12)         Yu Jun Yang*, “A novel electrochemical preparation of PbS nanoparticles Materials Science and Engineering B, 131 (2006) 200-202

13)         Yu Jun Yang*, “An Electrochemical Synthesis of Free-standing CdS Nanoparticles in Ethylene Glycol” Russian Journal of Electrochemistry,  42 (2006) 954-958

14)         Yu Jun Yang, George Jin Zhao, Shengshui Hu, Direct current electrodeposition of carbon nanofibers in DMFElectrochemistry Communications, 9 (2007) 2681–2685

15)         Yu Jun Yang Shengshui HuThe deposition of highly uniform and adhesive nanocrystalline PbS film from solutionThin Solid Films, 516 (2008) 6048-6051

16)         Yu Jun Yang, Shengshui Hu, “A Facile Electrochemical Synthesis of Covellite Nanomaterials at Room Temperature” Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 1220081405-1410

17)         Yu Jun Yang, Shengshui Hu*, “Galvanic Synthesis of Copper Selenides Cu2-xSe and CuSe in Alkaline Sodium Selenosulfate Aqueous Solution” Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 13(2009) 477-483.

18)         Mingjiang Geng, Yu Jun Yang, Shengshui Hu*, “The voltammetric determination of phenolphthalein on multiwalled carbon nanotub-DHP composite film-modified glassy carbon electrode” Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 17 (2009) 285-297.

19)         Yu Jun Yang, Shengshui Hu*, “Electrodeposited MnO2/Au composite film with improved electrocatalytic activity for oxidation of glucose and hydrogen peroxide” Electrochimica Acta, 55 (2010) 3471-3476.

20)         Yu Jun Yang, Xuewu Xiong, Keke Hou, Shengshui Hu*, “The Amperometric Determination of Indole-3-acetic Acid Based on CeCl3/DHP Film Modified Gold Electrode”, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 47 (2011) 47–52.

21)         Yu Jun Yang*, “Growth of PbS nanoparticles and nanorods through a simple synthetic route: a mechanistic study of the thioglycerol-catalyzed hydrolysis of thiosulfate”, Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 56 (2011) 1723-1728.

22)         Like Zhang, Yu Jun Yang*, Shengshui Hu,The determination of adrenaline on the porous gold film modified glassy carbon electrode,” Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 47 (2011) 799–804.

23)         Yu Jun Yang*, Weikun Li, Heng Zhang, “Electrodeposition of Polyvinylpyrrolidone-grafted Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes from Dimethylformamide”, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 20 (2012) 743-749.

24)         Yu Jun Yang*, Weikun Li,Assembly of Gold/copper Alloy Nanoparticles on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes and its Electrocatalytic Activity for Oxidation of Glucose”, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 21 (2013) 749-756.

25)         Yu Jun Yang*, Weikun Li, “The morphological and compositional engineering of the Ni/carbon nanotube composite film via a novel cyclic voltammetric route”, Bulletin of Materials Science, 35 (2012) 513-517.

26)         Yu Jun Yang*, Weikun Li,Electrodeposition of Micro- and Nanocrystalline Lead Selenide from Alkaline Selenosulfate Solutions”, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 49 (2013) 381-385 .

27)         Yu Jun Yang*, Weikun Li, “Highly enhanced electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose on Cu(OH)2/CuO nanotube arrays modified copper electrode”Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 16 (2012) 2877-2881.

28)         Yu Jun Yang*, Xiangle Yin, Zhixin Yu, Yapin Du and Weikun Li, “Electropolymerization of Indole-3-acetic Acid on Glassy Carbon Electrode for Sensitive Detection of Nitrite”, Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, 14 (2011) 265-269.

29)         Yu Jun Yang*, Qin He, Lili Guo, Heng Zhang, “Synthesis and Characterization of nanoporous gold film for the sensitive detection of glucose”, Sensor letters, 11 20131-6.

30)         Yu Jun Yang*, Weikun Li, Junfeng ZiMechanistic study of glucose oxidation on copper sulfide modified glassy carbon electrode,  Electrochemistry Communications 34 (2013) 304-307.

31)         Yu Jun Yang, Junfeng Zi, Weikun Li, Enzyme-free sensing of hydrogen peroxide and glucose at a CuS nanoflowers modified glassy carbon electrode, Electrochimica Acta 115 (2014) 126-130.

32)         Yu Jun Yang*, Weikun Li, Xiaoman Wu, Copper sulfide|reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite for detectionof hydrazine and hydrogen peroxide at low potential in neutralmedium, Electrochimica Acta 123 (2014) 260–267.

33)      Yu Jun Yang*, Weikun Li, CTAB functionalized grapheneoxide/multiwalled carbon nanotube composite modified electrode for the simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid, dopamine, uric acid and nitrite, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 56(2014) 300306.

34)         Weikun Li Yu Jun Yang*, The Reduction of Graphene Oxide by Elemental Copper and its Application in the Fabrication of Graphene Supercapacitor, Journal of Solid State electrochemistry, J. Solid State Electrochem. (2014) 18:1621–1626.

35)         Weikun Li, Yu Jun Yang*, Mixed self-assembled monolayers modified electrode for the detection of human neutrophil elastase, Advanced Materials Research 898 (2014) 308-311.

36)      Yu Jun Yang*One step electrosynthesis of polyacrylamide crosslinked by reduced graphene oxide and its application in the simultaneous determination of dopamine and uric acidElectrochimica Acta 146 (2014) 2329.

37)         Yu Jun Yang*, Weikun Li, High sensitive determination of theophylline based on manganese oxide nanoparticles/multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposite modified electrodeIonics21 20151121-1128.

38)         Yu Jun Yang*, Weikun Li, CTAB functionalized graphene oxide/multiwalled carbon nanotube composite modified electrode for the simultaneous determination of sunset yellow and tartrazine, Russian Journal of Electrochem., 51 (2015) 258-269.

39)         Yu Jun Yang, Simultaneous determination of theophylline and uric acid on cadmium sulfide nanoparticles/ phosphotungstic acid/nafion modified glassy carbon electrode, Sensor Letters 13(EI) (2015) 223-229.

40)         Yu Jun Yang, Weikun Li, Simultaneous determination of catechol, hydroquinone, and resorcinol on CTAB functionalized graphene oxide/ multiwalled carbon nanotube modified electrode, Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 23 (2015) 410-417.

41)         Yu Jun Yang, One-pot synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/zinc sulfide nanocomposite at room temperature for simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid, dopamine and uric acid, Sensors and Actuators B 221 (2015) 750–759.

42)         Yu Jun Yang, Lili Guo, Wanqiang Zhang, The electropolymerization of CTAB on glassy carbon electrode for simultaneous determination of dopamine, uric acid, tryptophan and theophylline, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 768 (2016) 102-109.

43)         Yu Jun Yang, Functionalized graphene oxide and multi-walled carbon nanotubes in hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide and chitosan matrix as metal-free catalyst for enhanced oxygen reduction reaction, Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 24 (2016) 144-148.

44)         Yu Jun Yang, Facile synthesis of poly(Safranine T)/Reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite for supercapacitors with wide potential window in aqueous neutral electrolyte, Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 24 (2016) 243-248.

45) Yu Jun Yang, Xiaohan Yu, Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide assisted self-assembly of phosphotungstic acid on graphene oxide nanosheets for selective determination of tryptophan, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 20 (2016) 1697-1704.

46) Yu Jun Yang, One-step co-intercalation of montmorillonite with cetyltrimethylammonium and methacryloxy propyl trimethoxy silane for sensitive determination of indole-3-acetic acid with high selectivity and reproducibility, Sensor Letters, 14 (2016) 756-763.

47)         Yu Jun Yang, Facile deposition of polyvinylpyrrolidone-grafted multi-walled carbon nanotube on glassy carbon electrode and its application in the sensing of biomolecules, Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 24, (2016) 796–803.

48)         Yu Jun Yang, Electrodeposition of ZnO Nanofibers for Sensitive Determination of Hydrazine and Nitrite, Sensor Letters, 14 (2016) 1–6.

49)         Yu Jun Yang, Xuan Hu, Zhihong Xu, CTAB Assisted Immobilization of RuO2 Nanoparticles on Graphene Oxide for Electrochemical Sensing of Hydrazine, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 25 (2017) 435 - 441.

50)         Yu Jun Yang, Chuan Yao, Weikun Li, Immobilization of phosphotungstic acid on multiwalled carbon nanotubes with cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide as the molecular linker for enhanced oxidation of hydroxylamine, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 799 (2017) 386–392.

51)         Yu Jun Yang, Facile preparation of CuS-coated multiwalled carbon nanotubes for supercapacitor application: A study on the effect of electrolyte, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 25 (2017) 497–503.

52)         Yu Jun Yang, Weikun Li, Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Decorated with Copper(II)/1H-Benzotriazole Complex via π–π Interaction for Enhanced Electroreduction of Hydrogen Peroxide, Sensor Letters 15 (2017) 1–8.

53)         Yu Jun Yang, Weikun Li, Gold nanoparticles/graphene oxide composite for electrochemical sensing of hydroxylamine and hydrogen peroxide, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 26 (2018) 195–204.

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