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作者:  发布时间:2017-06-09  访问次数:[]

    崔占奎,男,19849月生,中共党员,河南临颍人,材料学工学博士,讲师。20019月至20056月就读于河南大学化工系,获化学工程与工艺专业工学学士学位,20059月至20086月就读于桂林理工大学有色金属及材料加工新技术教育部重点实验室,师从邹正光教授从事铜铟镓硒太阳能电池相关薄膜材料研究工作,并获材料学工学硕士学位,20089月至20123月就读于华中科技大学材料成型与模具技术国家重点实验室,师从曾大文教授和谢长生教授从事铋基纳米结构光催化材料的合成与性能研究工作,并获材料学工学博士学位,20124月来校工作。曾在Journal of the American Ceramic SocietyJournal of Hazardous MaterialsJournal of Alloys and Compounds及材料研究学报、材料导报等国内外期刊上发表多篇文章。目前主要从事新型微纳米材料制备与应用方面的研究与开发工作,主要承担《材料制备科学与技术》、《材料物理性能》等课程的教学任务。




[1] Cui Z, Zhang Y, Li S, et al. Preparation and photocatalytic performance of Bi nanoparticles by microwave-assisted method using ascorbic acid as reducing agent[J]. Catal. Commun., 2015, 72: 97-100.


[2] Cui Z, Li S, Zhou J, et al. Preparation and optical properties of spherical Bi2S3 nanoparticles by in situ thermal sulfuration method[J]. NANO, 2015, 10(02): 1550021-1550026.


[3] Cui Z, Si M, Zheng Z, et al. Preparation and characterization of Ag3PO4/BiOI composites with enhanced visible light driven photocatalytic performance[J]. Catal. Commun., 2013, 42(12): 121-124.


[4] Cui Z, Mi L, Zeng D. Oriented attachment growth of BiOCl nanosheets with exposed {110} facets and photocatalytic activity of the hierarchical nanostructures[J]. J. Alloys Compd., 2013, 549: 70-76.


[5] Cui Z, Zeng D, Tang T, et al. Processing-structure-property relationships of Bi2WO6 nanostructures as visible-light-driven photocatalyst[J]. J. Hazard. Mater., 2010, 183(1-3): 211-217.


[6] Cui Z, Liu J, Zeng D, et al. Quasi-One-Dimensional Bismuth Tungsten Oxide nanostructures templated by cotton fibers[J]. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2010, 93(5): 1479-1483.


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